
Today's Free Knowledge Bomb


TRAIN HARD HAVE FUN WITH IT JOIN OUR COMMUNITY     Welcome to Jordan's Barbell Club! BOOK YOUR FREE INTRO!   Step 1   Book a free intro session Step 2  Work with our Coach to start your personalized training plan Step 3  Start training at home or in the Garage Gym and get on the path to your best you. Joining a new gym, starting a new habit, getting back on the path can be intimidating.  It doesn't have to be intimidating.    Jordan’s Barbell Club offers a high-quality fitness experience backed by habit-based behavioral coaching for a whole-person approach to health and longevity!   PROGRAMS   PERSONALIZED GROUP TRAINING  45 Min Workout Mix of Weightlifting, Cardio, and Functional Exercise. Learn More   ONLINE COACHING Programs For Home or Globo Gyms delivered straight to you with Coaching. Learn More   PERSONAL TRAINING You and your coach work together to create a custom plan and execute! Learn More DUO and TR...

Stretchy Pants Season and what to do about it - realistically

  Stretchy Pants Season is Here! Bring on the gluttony and sloth!  If you're like me, you are on the up swing of the weight roller coaster. If you chart your weight throughout the year, you may find that your weight falls in the spring and summer, then slowly creeps up to an apex through the winter and you rinse and repeat. BUT! If you look at it year over year, you might see that roller coaster gets a little higher each year, subtly, slowly, but you see that the scale does go down each spring/summer so you don't realize that it went down but overall you weight 2-5 pounds heaver than you did 2-5 years ago. This is called scale creep and you can do something about it without chronic dieting or crash training! Start! Just Start!  Add one new small habit (and it can be really small) and track it for 2 weeks! Walk 5-10 mins after each meal, or commit to one 30 minute walk every day. Do it with a friend, or call a friend or relative while you walk. Add one fruit or vegetable t...
CAN YOU SMELL THE PUMPKIN SPICE on top of all the still 100 degree sweats!?!?! I swear, I went to bed January 30th and woke up and it's darn near September! BANANAS! We've been busy so here's what's going on at JBC! First, we've sponsored SHS Volleyball, Summer Sports Camps for a few athletes, stocked up the local food pantries, and supported the Special Olympics this summer with our sweat dollars - sweet flex if I do say so myself! Second, Gym floor plan has been modified a touch for some more floor fun space - hooray for burpees! Finally, I slashed Saturdays from the schedule - I know - weird. However, adding an additional weekday instead of Saturday allows us all to enjoy the weekend, maybe run/bike/swim/sport, or just have some extra sleep in time! Don't worry, there will be a random Saturday fun day offered from time to time to keep us on our toes, but for now - weekend plans and travel are back on without jacking up your training schedule! So... ...

New Year! New Me? Maybe...

Year-end always has me in a reflecting and planning state of mind. Grading the last 12 months performance against my personal goals, and how that performance will impact my next year’s plans.  1. Grading last 12 months is a LONG, too long period to have to grade - a LOT happens in a year!  For example, I was killin it the first half of the year, but then this summer my dad died, very unexpectedly, Mom moved in (with her two mini pups) and chaos ensued. Sure, I was surviving, but helping my mom glue pieces back together to create a new normal, my training and nutrition were the first thing out the window and off the rails! I lost weight -mostly muscle- became undertrained, underfed, and under motivated. Once life leveled out - I could finally process the stress and that led to, you guessed it -weight gained- mostly fat, still undertrained, overfed, and slowly returning to motivation and self-discipline.  Trainers are humans and subject to the demands, and stresses ...
  Did you know we offer Open Gym for experienced athletes? Needing a short term place to train? Needing access to specialized equipment? Want to follow your own program in a smaller, private setting? We got you!! Check out the Updated Calendar - you can reserve our space and equipment by the hour, week, or month. (Summer break packages for student athletes available). Message or Call to setup your safety evaluation to get started! If Batman can take the Echo Bike for a Spin, so can You!    
Oh the Holidays are upon us! Whatever will we do??? Stressy time of year eh? Yeah, we're all in the thick of it - shopping, attending gatherings. hosting gatherings, kids programs, family commitments, it's exhausting and far from feeling like the "reason for the season". Oh, and on top of that you're beating yourself up about the dozen cookies you ate last night, or just as bad, not giving a rip about the dozen cookies you ate last night.  It's a balance. You shouldn't beat yourself to death over over-eating and you shouldn't green light the behavior either. We all over indulge, but it should be the exception, not the rule.  So what is the rule? That's simple, but not necessarily easy.  The rule is: Eat clean; whole foods that fuel your daily living 90% of the time and save that 10% for enjoyment's sake.    Broken down, 9 out of 10 meals and snacks should be GOOD FOR YOU food. Greg Glassman said it best on the CrossFit website “eat meat and ve...

Weight Management is More than Nutrition

Weight Management is More than Nutrition How Stress, Exercise and Sleep Affect Weight Tara Johnson - CFL2 Managing your weight and overall wellbeing is a trifecta of Nutrition, Training and Recovery. How we approach stress,  Stress can be a major contributor to weight gain. Stress can trigger cortisol release, and that little bugger of a hormone, meant to give you energy to survive back in the caveman days, causes the modern, not a caveman human to simply store fat around the middle. Stress can also make you crave comfort foods,  the quick carbs  that release dopamine while giving you energy to respond to a fight or flight reaction your body may be having in response to stress.  Sure, your brain may know that your stress reaction isn’t because you’re being chased by a lion, but your body doesn’t. When I feel like I’m not in control of things happening around me (hello global pandemic) I could control what I was putting in my mouth, and a giant bowl of Fruity Pebble...