Stretchy Pants Season and what to do about it - realistically

 Stretchy Pants Season is Here! Bring on the gluttony and sloth! 

If you're like me, you are on the up swing of the weight roller coaster. If you chart your weight throughout the year, you may find that your weight falls in the spring and summer, then slowly creeps up to an apex through the winter and you rinse and repeat. BUT! If you look at it year over year, you might see that roller coaster gets a little higher each year, subtly, slowly, but you see that the scale does go down each spring/summer so you don't realize that it went down but overall you weight 2-5 pounds heaver than you did 2-5 years ago. This is called scale creep and you can do something about it without chronic dieting or crash training!

Start! Just Start! 

Add one new small habit (and it can be really small) and track it for 2 weeks!

Walk 5-10 mins after each meal, or commit to one 30 minute walk every day. Do it with a friend, or call a friend or relative while you walk.

Add one fruit or vegetable to every meal.

Drink one glass of water between sugary beverages.

Lie down 20 minutes before you usually do and turn off the screens.

Do one thing today that moves the needle towards your better health!

Schedule a consult with your friendly neighborhood Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach!

Download MyFitnessPal (they don't pay me) and start logging your food - honestly.

Write down what you actually like to do for exercise- just really thinking on it will help you out of the brain fog of where to start!

Little steps over time add up to big change - give it a try and see if you can move your average weight down 2-5 pounds year over year and see your overall health improve! Thinking long term is how you win the long game!


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