Checkup from the Neck Up

Locus of Control

By Tara Johnson, CF-L2

Your mind is your most valuable tool! It can springboard you toward success or it can throw you into the pits of despair and really undermine your efforts. Good thing you are in control of your mindset eh!?

Locus of control is a psychological concept that refers to how strongly people believe they have control over the situations and experiences that affect their lives.

You can’t control the weather, but you can prepare for it! Every facet of life falls under the same concept. You can’t control a lot of external factors, but you absolutely are in control of your preparation for them. You are absolutely in control of your reaction to them. This is the most critical concept to develop when preparing to adjust your lifestyle, whether the change is focused on your training, nutrition or both. 

Just like your muscles, your locus of control can be trained. Training your mind to focus on the things you can change, and your reactions to the things you cannot enables you to not only feel more in control of your destiny, but less victimized by the world around you. You become unaffected by the dozen donuts your coworker left undefended in the conference room instead of feeling mocked and weak. Knowing you can choose is one part of prepping for the battle, exercising choice is the other. Developing the ability to know you can clean out that dirty dozen while choosing not to takes practice and preparation. 

Helping clients with success preparation is part of what I do. Think of your coach as your corner man, readying you for the fight, laying out the plan of attack, giving you pointers for the things you don’t see coming and redirecting you when you’re off course! 

You’re the athlete and you have to do the work, but you don’t have to do it alone! Get a coach to help you navigate the individual fights and then go do the work. Your Coach will be in the corner working for you, cheering and ready with a plan to keep you at the advantage and to steer you back on course should you waiver!

Tara Johnson is a CrossFit® Level 2 Instructor and Owner of Jordan’s Barbell Club – Personal and Group Training. She specializes in 1:1 Nutrition and Fitness Coaching, and Lifestyle Rearrangement


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